Monday, May 4, 2015

Subconscious City

In a world where we are being constantly bombarded by more and more stimuli, many things go unnoticed. Subconscious memory retains this unnoticed information, though it is often unattainable. In an examination of the relationship between the conscious and subconscious, it was found that those faces, buildings, and miscellaneous objects we fail to appreciate can have as much an impact on our thinking patterns as those about which we are acutely aware.

Subconscious information is often related and connected to consciousness in the form of dreams. Fragmented information from both worlds comes together to form seemingly nonsensical stories as these connections are made. Unfortunately, even this representation of the subconscious is often forgotten and unattainable.

Dream Link attempts to merge consciousness and subconsciousness through a thorough record of both, blatantly pointing out the connected thoughts, ideas, faces and buildings so that the user may interpret those connections for him or herself. More broad knowledge of our own mental activity would allow us to have a greater self awareness, which would lead to improved future experiences with heightened alertness to the world around us.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Haptic Connections

“The brain does not live inside the head, even though it is its formal habitat. It reaches out to the body, and with the body reaches out to the world… brain is hand and hand is brain.”

This quote from Juhani Pallasmaa’s The Thinking Hand describes the human connection to the environment and surrounding through the touch of the hand. The sense of touch is a powerful instrument; the human brain is stimulated by the textures, temperatures, and simple feel of the world around it, and in turn the world around a person can – through touch – affect a person’s thoughts, perceptions, and memories.

In our society today, the hand-held device has become the world in which we are involved; although it is a powerful tool, it sometimes serves as a distraction from the physical world around us. By using the phone as a tool to record and map the things our hands encounter in our environment, we can reconnect to our surroundings and become more aware of the haptic effect it has on our consciousness and psyche.

Write the City

Wik is a platform for discovery - a tool that allows the user to view the unseen consciousness of the city. Using advanced speech recognition software, Wik compiles a meta-narrative based on input from all participating user’s devices. The user can then “read” this narrative which is essentially a city-wide dialogue map - a section of the city. Dialogue mapping is the process of diagramming group conversations in order to create a shared understanding of complex problems and facilitate constructive solutions to these problems. These once unsolvable and sometimes unrecognized problems, also called “wicked problems,” are identified and analyzed by the group using Wik.

The key to the success of dialogue mapping, and Wik, is the shared display. Wik leverages the shared display we carry in our pockets and purses every day. By viewing the narrative on the shared display, once individual perceptions will shift into a collaborative mode. The narrative and shared display also functions to compress time, allowing the group of users to better understand the problems, solutions and perceptions of the inhabitants of the city.

Design an APP about WATER

Keeping track of soil moisture during your daily life by using a smartphone is an effective way to analyze how moist your living environment is.

 It's so easy to use, just turn your phone on and run the application, touch the camera gently on the soil sample obtained from your testing location and see the result after a few seconds. The data can be saved in a incomplete moist map that is created by your own.

In addition, a huge database on habitats helps you understand how water impact lives. For some professionals, it is also a good tool helping them how to treat and develop the lands in the project areas properly.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Somethings About Your Fingerprint

The human fingerprint is one of the most unique physical attributes we have. What if this unique identification also could serve as a gateway to what we truly are as humans beings as we interact and inhabit the earth? There is definitely something to consider about our fingerprint.

Experimenting with an app idea.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Breathe of the City and the Body

The Breathe App allows the user to log the amount of pollutant that they are breathing in a particular city. This not only logs your location, but it logs the time and date to let the user know the peak seasons or time that air contamination is lower or higher. The user can also compare the amounts of impurities in their city to a friend in a different city. With the GPS abilities, the user is able to see what parts of the city that are more densely polluted. With this tool, we the public, can learn about how the air quality affects everything in your body. 

Breathe also teaches the user about air contamination and how we can slow the rate of global warming. This tool is an integrated way the user can learn about the causes of pollution, how to stop the quality of the air from getting worse, and learn about the little everyday things that can be done to help the environment for the short run and long run. We all live on this great Earth and we all need to do our part to keep this planet clean and healthy for the future.